Welcome to the 2016 Ladies Prayer Breakfast.


Dear Sisters,

The Sisters at Suitland Road Church of Christ extend this special invitation to you, to attend our annual Ladies’ Prayer Breakfast on December 3, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. – 12 Noon. The location is: Holiday Inn, -10000 Baltimore Avenue, College Park, Maryland 20740. Cost: Adults- $27.00, Children 12 and under $15.00.

2016 Prayer Breakfast Colors: Royal Blue and White

Please encourage sisters who have not attended our Ladies’ Prayer Breakfast to come and enjoy the fellowship.  We are excited to have as our Guest Speaker, Sister Carole Hamilton of the Mountain View Church of Christ in Dallas, Texas. Sister Hamilton is a dynamic motivational speaker and enjoys sharing God’s Word with her Sisters in Christ.

Please share, announce and post the attached flyer advertising the upcoming event. We would appreciate each congregation designating one sister to be the contact person for reservations/tickets. To register, please contact Sister Angela Kenner (240) 618-8206.   Please provide as soon as possible the name, email and phone number for the designated sister to Sister Jasmine Shannon at jmariewal[at]msn.com. In order to plan and provide payments to the hotel, we have established November 13, 2016 as the cutoff date for reservations.  We are sorry, but no payments or reservations will be taken at the door on the day of the event.  Please post announce and post this flyer on your bulletin board.

What a blessing the Prayer Breakfast has been year after year as we celebrate our 24th year. We look forward to having you join us for a morning of spiritual fellowship in the Lord!
Your Sister in Christ,

Jasmine Shannon
2016 Prayer Breakfast Chairperson

