The Mission of the Suitland Road Church of Christ focuses on raising the standard of the congregation in an effort to fulfill the divine mandates of God in the following areas:

Evangelism Matt.28:19-20, Knowledge and Understanding of God’s Will Col.1:9-10, Christian Graces (personal spiritual growth) II Pet.1:5-9, Individual Fruitfulness John 15:1-5, and Family Unity Eph.4:13-16; Phil.2:2-5. Obtaining the goals of this mission statement will require continuous and effective development of the current ministries. Ministry Leaders must lead with the understanding that the spiritual development of the members is the priority, and the task of the ministry is the tool.

In order for the mission statement to be fulfilled each member must grow in faith and seek to experience God’s powerful transforming power. As he or she serves God and serves Him as a resource to the body.


Outreach & Evangelism

Education Ministry

Suitland Road Youth Ministry

Ladies Bible Class Ministry

Technology, Media & Publications Ministry

Fellowship Ministry

Transportation Ministry