Minister Installation Service & Celebration

Suitland Road Church of Christ is having a Minister Installation Service as well as a celebration of the church!

God continues to bless us!  We have overcome various obstacles, but God is Faithful.

He has sent us a permanent full-time Senior Minister, Brother Deon Booker.
We want to take this opportunity to invite everyone to the official Minister Installation on Sunday, July 24, 2022.  Not only will we install our Minister but we will celebrate the blessings of God for our church.

Our schedule for the day of Fellowship is below:

Bible Class: 9:00 am
Worship Service: 10:30 am | Brother Larry Frazier – Guest Speaker
Fellowship Lunch: 1:00 pm
Congregational Singing:  2:00 pm
Minister Installation:  3:30 pm
Please note that face masks are required inside of the building.
We pray that you will come, celebrate, and fellowship with us.