We have a new Senior Minister – Bro. Deon Booker

The Elders and members at the Suitland Road Church of Christ are pleased to announce our new Senior Minister, Brother Deon Booker. It is hereby acknowledged and set forth that on Sunday, June 5, 2022, Brother Deon Booker agreed and accepted the position as the Senior Minister. God has truly blessed us as we are proud to have, he and wife, Sister Sophia. We will diligently move forward as a congregation of God’s people to serve our members and the community of Suitland and abroad. We ask that the saints of God and the leadership of your respective congregation to pray with us and for us. We at Suitland are also grateful and thankful to the Ministers in the Mid-Atlantic region that provided spiritual support to our congregation until we secured a full-time minister.

Please mark your calendar now for the Minister’s Installation Service on Sunday, July 24, 2022 at 3:00 pm.  Additional information forthcoming.

May God continue to move in a special way and bless Suitland beyond measure and may God bless you as well.

In His Service,
Suitland Road Church of Christ.